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HELLO! Welcome to my blog,
This blog is created since 4thdecember2007(: The blog is created for school use, and whatever written or drawn will be by ME. So, please respect me and do not copy what i've post(: thankyou! XD
AND! My blog only consits of 10 post at a time. The other posts can be found under the catogory " past " below. XDD

' no. of visits(:Y

number of hits!
since 4thdec2007 XD


name : KAHHWEE
D.O.B : 210994
class : 1E5'07,2E3'08
Gender : FEMALE
Email : kahhwee_blue@hotmail.com


tag if you want to be linked or relinked. XD

' FriendsY
The links below are all d&t blogs(:

2e3:D ANDY
2e5:D IVAN
2e5:D JOEL

' EntertainmentY
Song playing is called " wish " by s.e.n.s. I choose this song because, it can help you to relax and help you think better. And to generate more ideas. XP and i personally love this song a lot. XD

' CreditsY
Designer : ♥KAHHWEE
Basecodes : -sweet.love
Picture : Photoshop(:

' Sunday, May 25, 2008 '3:01:00 PMY


kh- signed off Y

' Monday, April 28, 2008 '11:15:00 PMY

it has been quite a long time since i update the last time.
As i was too busy with the school stuffs... so didn't have the time to update this blog regularly.
ok! For now, i had finished my mechanical toy, reflective essay and almost the journal. =X
Took some pictures out of boredom. hehe :D
my sketch book. ^^

$2.20 for one? o.O haha,

hmm, can i call this the cover page?
i think it is... haha.
hahaha, camera skill not that good, =X my shadow! :D
Mechanical toy! :D:D:D:D:D

Not easy to make it at all! T.T
FIRSTLY, i need to make the Doraemon toy with CLAY.
Moudling it wasn't easy too, cause i'm not good at it! T.T
haha. also quite troublesome. haha,
These few pictures are only processes where i done my toy,
not the cam all those.
cause i did not expect that i will post them here... haha.
ok, before that, this is my first drawn ideation for the doraemon.
Final ideation & the parts needed! ^^
ok, now, the doraemon!!! ^^
First part! :D The body! ^^
It's head! :D:D:D
a whole in his head.
for the stick to go through.
Woots! after adding the nose, hands, legs, and small little tail! :D
hahas, my doraemon is born! LOL. haha.

Still not enough, doraemon is not white.
have to paint it... haha.
poster colors, Markers, and arcylic paint. :D
AFTER painting. haha, all the paint were dried up. =X
Look at the mess i've created.
hahahas. It don't seems dirty here, but actually there's paint all over the place. =X
My final doraemon is out!
picture taken in my house. :D
i spent A LOT of time on painting. As my painting skills wasn't good as well. hahaha.
Before d&t lesson! taken in school! ^^
DURING D&T lessons:D
Hot Glue Gun! bang bang! -.- LOL,
that is yap hui da's project at the side. :D
After d&t lesson! :D:D:D
Smile smile smile! XDDDDDDDDD
Happy Doraemon! ^^
^^ haha, is it nice?!?!?!?! =X
That's all for today! here's the last picture that i've made long long ago.
Just put here for fun as is also something that has got to do with D&T. =X
okay, BYEBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^

kh- signed off Y

' Sunday, March 9, 2008 '4:43:00 PMY

hello everyone! ^^
today, i'm going to talk about pulleys! :D
They are very useful mechanisms if they were used in the toys correctly.
Here are some of the advantages:
- simple to make
- can be used at a distance from each other, unlike gears that need to touch in order to work.
and of course, there will be disadvantages as well:
- work by friction, therefore they might slip out of the grooves and upset the timing of a toy.
Pulleys work in a similar way as gears except that they are not directly joined but linked with strong and flexible materials.
Grooves were also made to prevent the pulley belt [ strong and flexible material ] slipping over the edge. It also keeps the belt running in a straight line and stops it from jumping off.
Here's the pictures of a pulley.
Front view,

top view,

Side view. [=

That's all for pulleys(:
byebye! :D

kh- signed off Y

' Thursday, January 17, 2008 '9:10:00 PMY

uh oh! haha. later mr soo deduct my marks... =[
so long never post... cause school reopen already...
then im so busy... :D haha. kkiee... hmms...
last time talk about gears...
this time talk abt ratchets:D
hmmms... whats that nerh? :D
The ratchet is really another form of gearing.
Unlike gears which can be used to speed up or slow down movement,
the ratchet can only be used to slow things down and it happens in a very jerky manner.:D
below is a simple example. ^^

and for this example, when the crank turns 8 rounds, the ratchet will turn 8 rounds.
because there are 8 " teeths "

Below is a 3D drawing of a simple ratchet.
There are not many moving parts to make but as with all mechanical things you do have to work out fairly accurately the size and distance of all the various components.

okiie... you know roughly what does ratchet looks like...
so... i got to go lerh:D

kh- signed off Y

' Sunday, January 6, 2008 '12:42:00 PMY

yoyo! so long then post again... alot things happened...
anyway... today talk abt gears... the mechanisms... XD
the way gears works(:
Gears are very versatile and can help produce a range of movements that can be used to control the speed of action.
In basic terms, gears are comparable to continuously applied levers, as one tooth is engaging, another is disengaging.

The gear wheel being turned is called the input gear and the one it drives is called the output gear.
means example u turn gear A, that means it is a input gear.
and the other gear B is output gear... should be right? haha...

Gears with unequal numbers of teeth alter the speed between the input and out put.
it means... one is fast one is slow... right? haha X)
This is referred to as the Gear Ratio.
the ratio is counted like that ...
number of teeth on the output gear B (30)
number of teeth on the input gear A (10)

and simply, the ratio is 3:1 !
the output must be over the input.
means, when gear A turns 1 rounds, gear B turn 1/3 round only... XDD
yea! i discover something... and realise how stupid am i... haha. X)
and horhs...! i see the picture of the mechanical toy that uses gears as mechanisms horhs... its so complicated! i don't know how it works lehs! T.T
i show u those pictures... (:

espeacially this one below... its so complicated! T.T

i wonder how do they think of this kind of things... haha...
kk... i still got alot of things to do... somemore my journal still haven do finish... hehe... X)) kk... byebye! (:

kh- signed off Y

' Saturday, December 29, 2007 '1:10:00 PMY

hello, everyone...
have not post for a few days...
don't feel like posting... but then still must...
i don't want get low marks for my d&t... haha.
so post barhs... X))
few days ago, i realised that er...
what is mechanical toy... -.- i mean...
cam toy is not mechanical toy...
CAM is a kind of mechanisms used to make mechanical toys... or stuff -.-
aiyoyo... i write untill i also blur ler...
hmm... all mechanical toy is made up of one or more mechanisms...
and, CAM is not the ONLY mechanisms...
there are still many kinds of mechanisms...
haha... and many more! these are only the most, basics and common... X)
okiie... you know what is CAM right...?
then... i will talk about... the others... (:
okiie... firstly... CRANKS...
Cranks are similar to a simple cam. They convert circular movement into a reciprocal one (up and down motion) or vice verse (down and up motion)

another picture... of a CRANK MECHANISM in a toy. haha...


kh- signed off Y

' Friday, December 21, 2007 '1:39:00 PMY

hello everybody!!!!!! XDD
it've been 5 days ago since i blog! X)
hehe, cause im busy doing my journal... T.T
and till now, is still undone!!!!!!!!!!! =[
school reopenning soon! XD but, homework haven do finish! tears...
and mr soo haven reply my email!!!!!!! =[
sighs! nevermind! today gonna post... still about mechanical toy!
XDD very boring right? everyday cam toy... hahaX)
but then like that can understand more marhs! X))
below is a cam called Swash plate cams X)
haha. below is a simple example(:

haha(: let me show you another, but is more like a toy. ^^ using the part in the picture above to make this toy. X)

Dancing puppet

The mechanical display above is a dancing puppet. As the swash plate cam rotates, the two roller followers rise and fall. This motion makes the puppet look as if it is dancing / waving its arms.

My opinion about this toy: I think, the bottom part of the toy should be placed in a box, or covered. Maybe one that is transparent. Firstly for safety reason, because the young children might trap their own fingers in, and cause injuries(: and secondly why i think it should be transparent. Because it allows the children to be able to see how the toy work. And lastly, im very curious about how is this toy going to work. Can it move by itself? oO if there's some handle or something to make the Swash plate to move, that will be better... right? this plate won't possibly move by itself... haha. = =

haha. now, for another kind of cam.^^
its called flat plate cam/linear cam X)
the picture below is a basic flat cam.

As the flat plate cam profile moves to the left the follower moves up and down, matching the shape of the profile. The flat plate cam then reverses in the opposite direction and the follower drops and rises again.

A more sophisticated example of a flat plate / linear cam is shown below. The follower is unusual because it has a roller / wheel to help the smooth movement of the flat profile cam and follower. It also has a ‘return spring’ that pushes the follower against the profile, ensuring that it always runs against it and follows the shape precisely.

and now! i finally know how a mechanical paper punch work! X)
similar to those we use. SIMILAR, NOT SAME. haha X)

The edge of the flat plate cam can be shaped to give different vertical movements of the cam follower. Flat plate / linear cams are used frequently in machines that carry out the same repetitive movements.

weeee~ hmm, i think i've blog enough of different kinds of mechanical parts.
i think i should blog about something else! X)
haha! next time! X)) i go do my journal now! ^^
and oh yar, i have added in another song. called FORBIDDEN LOVE!
XDD I LOVE THAT SONG(: or rather, MUSIC. haha. ^^
and im running out of things to post soon...! T.T
haha, kayys! byebye! X))

kh- signed off Y

' Sunday, December 16, 2007 '5:34:00 PMY

hello! XD
as i had said i will be blogging more on different cam. X))
lets start with the different followers! XDD
There are a lot kind of followers. below are some of the examples(:

Flat face follower(:

Off set follower(:

Pointed follower(:

Roller follower(:

Although there are many kinds of follower, but they all slide or roll at the edge of the cam.
and then for the cam profile. XD

Heart shape cam
Heart shaped cams allow the follower to rise and fall with ‘uniform’ velocity.

Circular cam
Circular cams produces a smooth motion.

Pear cam
The follower will remain motionless for about half of the cycle of the cam and during the second half it rises and falls(:

The snail/ drop cam
Heart shaped and pear shaped cams generally allow for a slow rise and fall of the follower. However, a snail drop cam is used where the drop or fall of the follower must be sudden.

i will end here for today, next time continue again.

kh- signed off Y

' Thursday, December 13, 2007 '9:33:00 PMY

hi everyone(:
today i'm going to blog about cam toys! ^^
firstly, if we are going to do, or write about cam toys.
we have to first understand what is cam toy about.
okay, firstly what is CAM?
A CAM has two parts, the FOLLOWER and the CAM PROFILE.
let me show a picture of the CAM. (:

the cam profile should be the red part.
there are many many kinds of CAM,
this is just a simple example of CAM.
next time i will blog about other kinds of CAM. (:
this kind of cam can be found in many mechanical toy.
this is a video of how it works.(:

wah, the teeth so white. haha.

an simple example, haha. did you see how it works?
the white small circle in the first picture should be attatch to a stick or something, and to the thing that u can turn it. Hmm, don't think you understand. haha. another picture here.(:

can see the " stick " im talking about? haha. (:
and, the white part below the person's leg in the picture(follower) is not attatched to the cam, (the red part)in the first picture.
Hmm, this is just how it works! X) roughly get the idea? XD

found something interesting in the net, but the picture cant move! T.T
is so cute! XD haha.

if it moves, the duckies head will go up and down! haha! so cute! XD
This is how it works! (: so cute right...? XDD

and when you pull the rope attatched to it, the wheels will move and the duckies heads will go up and down again! HAHAHA! ^^

haha. thats all i think, if i carry on, i don't need sleep already. next time then i continue! ^^ byebye! XD

kh- signed off Y

' Wednesday, December 12, 2007 '10:07:00 PMY

hello everybody... just found out that i've not been blogging for quite a long time... because im really busy this few days. REALLY BUSY. and i don't even have the time to do my journal... okiie... im blogging about today's d&t lesson. is not really about d&t, but is linked to d&t, haha. we learnt to use the tablet pc today, and is really fun. haha(X hehe. we learnt to use the " pen " from the pc, and use it directly on the screen. and the worst thing is, only 6 people in our class turned up... we learnt to use the " pen " for microsoft word and powerpoint, and art rage. the most fun is art rage! X) hehe. coz can draw... just like normal drawing... cause we are using something like pen. haha. at first im a bit blured, but after that im not that blured... at least i learnt something today! X) we also used it to draw a cam toy. X) haha. then mr soo also said that next year we will use tablet pc to do our assignment too. ^^ haha. i love it. although what i draw isnt that nice, but at least is something new and interesting. so lessons will not be that boring... ^^ haha. okiie... now, blog about something else...
i realised that, i think we are not making those kind of mechanical toy... the mechanical toys i talk about in the previous post. except for the caterpillar toy. what we are suppose to do is do about a cam toy, that looks something like this.
the tiger and lion cam toy

this is a picture found on the net. looks cute right?
whale cam toy

i think we are suppose to do something like that, not just any mechanical toy.
im so sorry to give the wrong imformation. x(( sighs... but nevermind, now i know! ^^ but, IM STILL NOT SURE! MR SOO!!!!!!!!!~ WHAT SHOULD I DO !? ARE WE DOING A CAM TOY, OR JUST ANY MECHANICAL TOY AS LONG AS IT CAN MOVE? OMG. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. AND WE HAVE TO DO THE ACTUAL THING OUT RIGHT? =[[ im not sure, anyway. i will continue the next time. i got to go sleep now... X) byebye! XD

kh- signed off Y